Heights OBGYN

Vaginal Yeast Infections

What to know about vaginal yeast infections

Are you dealing with annoying, embarrassing itching and burning down there? You might have a vaginal yeast infection that needs to be checked by our San Antonio OBGYNs. At every age and stage of life, women can get yeast infections. In fact, about 75% of women get at least one infection sometime during their lives, with about half of them getting two or more vaginal yeast infections. About 5% of women get recurrent yeast infections, meaning they have four or more a year.

Yeast infections are also known as vaginal candidiasis because the candida albicans fungus causes most of the infections. While your vagina always contains this yeast, when it gets out of balance, it causes problems.

Certain conditions increase your risk for yeast infections

Most often, women between puberty and menopause get vaginal yeast infections, but women of any age are at risk. It’s important for you to know that certain factors can increase your risk.

  • Pregnancy
  • Taking certain medications, including birth control pills, steroids and antibiotics
  • A weakened immune system
  • Diabetes that isn’t controlled well
  • Using douche, vaginal deodorant, vaginal spray or scented tampons
  • Wearing a wet bathing suit or sweaty clothes for too long
  • Having a sexual partner who has a yeast infection

Know the symptoms

Knowing the symptoms of vaginal yeast infections helps you know when to call our San Antonio OBGYNs.

  • Burning and itching in the vulvar and vaginal area
  • Red, swollen vulva
  • Vaginal soreness and pain
  • A rash in the vaginal area
  • Vaginal discharge that looks like cottage cheese, but doesn’t have an odor
  • Feeling burning or pain while urinating or having sex

Diagnosing and treating vaginal yeast infections

The first time you have symptoms of a yeast infection, you should contact our physicians. They need to see you and perform a pelvic examination to determine whether a yeast infection or another problem, such as bacterial vaginosis, is causing your symptoms.

If you have had infections before and recognize the symptoms, you can try an over-the-counter cream or suppository treatment that contains miconazole. If your symptoms don’t seem familiar, or they don’t improve after 72 hours of over-the-counter medication, call our OBGYNs. They can prescribe an antifungal medication.

It’s important to call your physician if you get an infection during pregnancy. A pregnant woman should never take a prescription medication containing fluconazole.

Recurrent yeast infections

If you are one of the approximately 5% of women who get four or more infections a year, you need to see a physician. In most cases, our San Antonio OBGYNs treat recurrent yeast infections with a cycle of antifungal medications for up to six months.

If you have a weakened immune system due to diabetes or HIV/AIDS, you have a higher risk for recurring infections. Our physicians may test you for infections or hormonal changes to help determine what is causing your recurring problem.

Our San Antonio OBGYNs are here to help you get relief

Whether you are dealing with the irritation of vaginal yeast infections or another gynecology issue, our caring OBGYNs can diagnose and treat your problems and help you feel more like yourself again. Contact us to schedule an appointment.